Oilseed Rape Deficiencies
Experiencing Oilseed Rape Crop Deficiencies? The team here at Fielder Nutrition are experts in improving crop health and maximising yields. Get in touch with our team today.
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Deficiency Type
Manganese Deficiency
Manganese is the most widespread micronutrient problem in the UK. Good contact between root and soil is important for manganese uptake and poor consolidation can result in deficiency. In oilseed rape the first symptom is interveinal yellowing that occurs in the older leaves, particularly near the margins. This can be confused with magnesium deficiency although this often shows some reddening of the leaf.

Deficiency Type
Magnesium Deficiency
In oilseed rape, first symptoms are yellowing which starts at the leaf tips and margins. The whole leaf eventually becomes chlorotic and curls at the margins before these areas eventually die. This can then lead to premature defoliation. Leaves on magnesium deficient plants can develop a reddish colouring that spreads from the leaf margins.

Deficiency Type
Boron Deficiency
Where Boron is deficient in Oil Seed Rape, cell division does not proceed normally. As a result there is an effect on the growing points where tissues become distorted and die. This can lead to a loss of apical dominance, development of side shoots and a bushy appearance. Deficiency can also affect pollination and seed set.

Deficiency Type
Sulphur Deficiency
Correct diagnosis of sulphur deficiency early in the season is important, as oilseed rape can be especially sensitive to inadequate supplies of sulphur with significant yield loss. First deficiency symptoms often occur in the autumn and are visible as leaf yellowing that starts at the leaf edge. Another very distinct symptom is the occurrence of small, pale coloured petals during flowering.