Fielder Kick-Off
Our customer challenges: Slow and poor establishment can cost you time and money trying to fix, whilst an unhealthy plant is much more susceptible to disease and pest pressure. Our solution: Fielder’s Kick-Off seed treatment will not only deliver exceptional early establishment and deeper rooting, but it will also boost plant health and all whilst saving you money.

Product Features & Benefits
The Results
Nutrient Benefits
How to Use
Why choose Kick-Off Seed Treatment?
John Stonehouse, Scarborough-based mixed farmer
“The real evidence came when we saw the grain yields…there was no doubting the benefit of Kick-Off”
Through his use of Kick-Off seed treatment, John Stonehouse has been able to boost his yields for the last three years, whilst reducing his cultivation and input costs.
You can read more below about why John trusts Kick-off seed treatment on his farm

Why choose Kick-Off?
John Stanley, farmer and MD of Milcote Seeds
“The Kick-Off treated Crusoe outyielded our untreated Illustrious by 0.4 t/ha.” As a yield improvement, Kick-Off boosted John’s yields by 4.4%, a very healthy return of £8.50 for every £1 he spent on Kick-Off (based on Dec ’23 wheat price). This example illustrates how Kick-Off seed treatment was able to promote a healthier, faster developing crop. John was able to reduce his fertiliser input by 50kg/ha with environmental benefits, whilst also significantly improving his yields.
You can read more about why Kick-Off seed treatment works for John’s farm as well as his seed treatment business below:
John cut back on his N use by 50kg/ha

The Results
Maximising Yield
Using Kick-Off will maximise your yield potential and build stronger, hardier plants that are better armed to withstand disease and pest pressure.
Untreated Graham Wheat 9.6 t/ha vs Kick-Off Treated Graham Wheat 10.3 t/ha, a +7.3% yield improvement
Kick-Off Seed Treatment

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Fielder offers a wide range of highly effective, tried and tested plant nutrition products, and insightful advice you can trust from an established, independent business.