Fielder Seed Treatments Case Study
For south Shropshire-based independent agronomist, Matt Jones, his key focus is on rooting. “Given the conditions we can experience these days, rooting is my main objective,” he says. “Without it, there’s a high risk of stressing the crop which then leaves it more susceptible to disease.”
Trusting the right product for his customers
With both straight arable and mixed farmers on his books, Matt aims to find products that are excellent on rooting, as well as being “cost-effective, support early crop establishment and emergence and ensures the plant is less susceptible to disease.” All these factors have led to Matt trusting Kick-Off for the past five years.
The importance of rooting for Matt
Having a good rooting system is important, as it aids plant health and gives the crop the best chance of maximising its yield. This is important to Matt and he can see the visible differences when using Kick-Off. “When you dig and assess the root structure of a plant treated with Kick-Off, you can clearly see the difference compared with an untreated plant.” The mix of phosphites and other key nutrients in Kick-Off have a proven record of growing root length and biomass, giving better access to nutrients and water.

Kick-Off improves rooting
Using Kick-Off can negate the need for a single purpose dressing according to Matt
As well as including it in his agronomic recommendations, Matt also uses the seed treatment at his home farm near Bishop’s Castle, where the majority of seed is home-saved. “We disease test and on the whole don’t require a single purpose dressing (SPD), so invest in Kick-Off instead across both autumn and spring-drilled crops. I’m a big believer in phosphite-based products for rooting, the difference is clearly visible when they’re used,” he adds.
Benefits Matt Jones gets from using Kick-Off
- Enhanced rooting
- Yield boosting
- Plants less susceptible to disease
- A product he 100% trusts on his client’s crops, as well as his own
- Boosted establishment
- Cost-effective
Cost-effective product
Matt has many different considerations for his customers to take into account. But for him, it comes down to what ticks most boxes. He says, Kick-Off “offers a lot in one product, which is an important consideration in a season where every spend has to be scrutinised.”
Kick-Off helps Matt produce healthier plants
Matt is impressed that Kick-Off helps his seeds develop deeper and larger roots, which in his eyes helps encourage more tillering and ultimately a higher-yielding crop. The unique formulation in Kick-Off helps to create a healthier plant, giving it the best chance to reduce other costs and maximise yields.
Kick-Off is formulated with a balance of phosphites, manganese, amino acids, as well a further 5 key nutrients including zinc and potassium. Phosphites are excellent for promoting root growth, whilst encouraging root interaction with beneficial soil microbes and fungi, improving nutrient and water uptake.
The high rate of biostimulant amino acids in Kick-Off helps the crop endure stresses such as water-logged or cold soils. The plant-based amino acids are also excellent at boosting crop development and overall plant health. Using Kick-Off as a seed treatment provides a nutrient buffer, allowing the seedlings to withstand adverse conditions more effectively, whilst ensuring that young seedlings have access to the nutrients they need for early development.
Furthermore, the inclusion of manganese aids establishment and reduces the need for a foliar spray in troublesome ground conditions
Kick-Off provides ease of mind
Kick-Off provides a very inexpensive insurance policy and reassures growers that use it. On average, a winter wheat crop only requires the yield to increase by 0.06% to return a profit after using Kick-Off. And using a seed treatment gives you confidence that no matter the conditions your seed will have the best possible start.
- Kick-Off is the seed that has enhanced yields +6% in independent trials
- Every £1 spent by a farmer returned them £11 back
- Only needs yield to improve by 0.06t/ha to pay back
- Improves rooting and establishment
- Biostimulant amino acids for a healthier plant
If you are interested in Kick-Off please reach out directly to and +447912868389, or get in touch with your seed rep.